We may not be the cheapest dentist in noida, but we provide the best value for your money.

Are you sure, you are looking for cheapest dentist in Noida? 

You sure don’t look for the cheapest restaurants, nor the cheapest shoes or the cheapest hotels when u travel,  so we are sure you aren’t here looking for cheapest dentists either. when its a matter of your family’s health and well being, there is no point looking  for the cheapest surgeon around. 

Neither I would feel good telling others, I got the cheapest knee replacement anyone could get in whole city. Or, I was thinking about knee replacement for my mom and then I saw this ad where they were doing “two knees at the price of one”. What I would prefer saying is I got the best knee specialist for mom. You never say you got the cheapest, freebie, Lifetime of free physiotherapy with knee deal.

It isn’t any different with Dentistry either. And there are qualities performed in this industry. And although I don’t want to talk bad about anyone, dentists do different things for different reasons, Whatever be our fees, there are only so many hours of the day and bills have to be paid, staff still has to be paid, equipment still has to be maintained. None of the bills decrease and so to decrease the fees for services means the quality of service has to be compromised in terms of time spent for you, the materials, equipment and the labs, etc.  And I won’t do it. I hate when I go to a doctor’s office and I wait an hour and I get five minutes with the doctor and then he chips me off. I hate it and I won’t do that to my patients.

We provide a good service at a good fee. We are definitely not the highest and definitely not the lowest. But we do provide absolute value for your money and unmatched patient satisfaction record. If you would like to compare prices in the field that something else’s out there suites you better, then we are okay.


If you want quality service for a reasonable price with a dentist you trust then hopefully we are what you are looking for. Thanks!


We want to be the reason behind your smile.



Dr. Gaurav Kumar Goel, MDS is a prosthodontist and dental implant specialist at Dentessence Dental Care. You may call him on 7599015990 to consult about your dental needs.


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