Prepare yourself for the fun.
With festival season right around the corner, everyone is excited to enjoy it to the fullest and rightly so.
As important it is to enjoy, it is also essential for us to take care of our teeth and oral health so that unexpected toothache doesn’t ruin your celebrations. Amid all the fun and sweets, it is quite common for us to neglect our oral health.
Here are a few simple steps that can be followed so that you can focus only on celebrating with your family and friends:
1. Regular Rinse
Any sweet/sugar-containing food stuck on the tooth surface can act as a reservoir for microorganism/bacteria which can harm/ dissolve the tooth surface.
With plenty of sweets around us this season, it is the time to be extra careful. It is important to rinse the mouth thoroughly after every meal, this will aid in removing any residue on the tooth surface.

2. Watch what you eat
It is important to keep a check on the food items entering your oral cavity as they have the capability of maintaining or destroying your oral cavity.
Sticky food items have the ability to accumulate on the tooth and eat it away. People with braces should be extra careful as such food items can get stuck and are not easy to clean and remove.

3. Brushing is saving
Brushing your teeth twice a day is the best way of maintaining the oral health. With the aid of fluoride containing toothpaste brush helps in saving the tooth from disease. It cleans the tooth and removes any bacteria or food that may be present on it.

4. Regular visit to the dentist
Regular dental check up prevents teeth from major damage. An early detection of any damage can prevent you from major expenses which may incur in the later stage.
A visit to the dentist after festivals is essential. Dentist can aid in removing any deposits which may be have been left off.

5. If there is pain
If you experience any kind of pain then it is a possibility that its already late, late for the tooth to be saved. It is extremely important to visit the dentist immediately in such a situation. In such cases, filling or root canal treatment may be required.