Do you have yellow teeth?
– Are you ashamed of smiling because of the colour of your teeth?
– Is any of your tooth has a different shade than the rest of the teeth?
– Has years of smoking or tea/coffe has resulted in stains on your teeth?
– Do you wish you had a whiter set of teeth just like those celebrities?Now you need not worry, you too can have a
WHITER BRIGHTER SMILE in as little as 45 minutes…
Today more and more people worldwide are choosing to get their teeth whitened with the use of professional teeth whitening procedure.
Teeth Whitening is the simplest step towards a smile makeover, and now you can smile confidently, flaunting your new found smile.
You can choose the Teeth whitening  at home under our supervision or in a single visit appointment at Dentessence.
or alternatively Professional teeth whitening can be done at Dentessence in a single sitting of approx 45 minutes.Call us now to schedule an appointment to get teeth whitening in noida at best prices.

[su_spoiler title=”Why To Whiten?” style=”fancy”]

Image is extremely important to people now more so then ever. And thing most people notice first about you is your smile. so having a attractive and beautiful smile is very important to boost your image and self confidence. Now that the century has entered into its teens now is the right time for you to have a smile as white as you had in your teens. And teeth whitening is a quick and safe means to gain  gain younger, healthier looks. It only takes between 30-40 minutes, is easy, pain-free, and our teeth whitening treatment should last about two years. Our Technology has been extensively tested worldwide and is clinically proven not to have any long term negative or harmful effects on the gums, dentine or enamel. On the contrary, teeth whitening is actually  good for the teeth, as it removes any stains that have built up on the outside of the teeth AND stains built up deep within the teeth, the whitening gels are specially formulated to strengthen the teeth and kills most of any harmful bacteria that may be in the teeth or gums.

Take your first step to feeling good, looking healthy and making a memorable impression every time you smile.

As our lifestyles have evolved our teeth are much more exposed to every day staining through the increased consumption of tea, coffee, coke and colourful exotic foods such as Thai and Indian. That’s not to mention the cigarettes and red wine! Thanks to the professional tooth whitening at Dentessence it is now possible to painlessly reverse this staining process.

After teeth whitening, you will notice immediate results, with teeth gleaming an average of 7-8 shades whiter. At dentessence we are happy to offer special packages for Brides and grooms or group discounts.

We are very conveniently located at A-1,Sector 41, NOIDA, with convenience of choosing your appointment time as we are open all day.  We strive to make your visit easy and enjoyable.

During your teeth whitening appointment, you will find that our dedication to quality governs every aspect of our work and ensures that we always exceed your expectations.  Because we always listen to our patients, we are able to give you the class of  service you deserve and a smile you will truly love.

[su_spoiler title=”How it Works?” style=”fancy”]

Professional Teeth whitening is an easy fast and non invasive cosmetic treatment producing immediate results. The specially formulated gel is used in conjunction with the Advanced  light accelerator to remove stains that have built up over years, in just 45 minutes! Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening has been proven to have no long term negative effects on the enamel,  dentine of teeth or the gums.

You need to understand that the enamel on the outside of the tooth is actually transparent and is porous. Stains that build up on on top of the enamel, around cracks, caps or fillings or between the teeth are called extrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains can be removed with a scale and polish at the dentist.

Under the transparent enamel is the dentine, over years,  molecules of dark staining food, drinks or cigarettes penetrate through the enamel staining the dentine. It’s actually the dentine gives the tooth it’s colour generally leaving them discoloured or yellow looking, depending on eating and drinking habits.

Our special in-office tooth whitening procedure actually removes both extrinsic and intrinsic types of stains. This is done by placing the whitening gel on the teeth and exposing it to the specifically tuned frequency of cold filtered blue light which turns the whitening gel into oxygen. As this happens it allows the whitening gel to penetrate under the enamel to remove the stains from the dentine of the tooth. This restores the teeth back to their natural whiteness leaving them looking healthy, bright and naturally white.


[su_spoiler title=”Why Choose Us?” style=”fancy”]

At Dentessence we are  proud to bring you the very latest technology to help you achieve the best results possible. We use patented whitening gels that are specially formulated to reduce any sensitivity, and are designed with special ingredients to help strengthen teeth during the whitening procedure.

Fully Qualified Dental Professionals

As well as having the most advanced technology, the best results will only be achieved when the procedure is undertaken by fully qualified and experienced dental professionals. We believe the improvement in technique, knowledge and experience , ultimately results in improved results.

Each procedure is tailored to suit your requirements and meet your expectations.

Each individual contains different mineral content within the teeth, staining varies, and everyone’s expectations are different, therefore we tailor each treatment to meet your specific needs and desires. The standard 35 minute treatment is sufficient for about 80% of people however 10% of people will need less time to get the desired results and 10% will need more time.

A thorough consultation is made before the treatment to understand your expectations and advise you about possible outcomes. An  individually tailored treatments is determined after a consultation and during the process depending on how the teeth are reacting to the treatment, considering the individual’s wishes. While the actual treatment takes about 30 to 40 minutes,  total appointment time of about one hour is required.

So, Dentessence is surely one of the best centres to choose for Teeth Whitening in Noida.


[su_spoiler title=”Procedure” style=”fancy”]

You do not have to do anything specific other than brush your teeth before coming in for your teeth whitening treatment. You may want to put some lip balm on just before your appointment as your lips will dry slightly. (we supply this  in the clinic anyway)

It may not be necessary to have your teeth cleaned prior to your whitening treatment, we do however recommend your usual 6 months regular check-ups at the dentist. But in case there are heavy deposits or staining we recommend a Sclaing and polishing before bleaching. This will be evaluated at the consultation stage and advised accordingly.

When you arrive, We will do a consultation and answer any questions you may have.
You will sit back and relax in the soothing environment. You can listen to your Ipod or Music during the procedure . We will insert the cheek retractor, take a shade measurement and apply the gingival barrier. This is a thin rubber mould that sits along the gum line of the teeth.

We will then apply the whitening gel and activate the light which will start the first 10-12 minute session.
After the first session is completed we will reapply a new layer of tooth whitening gel and start the second 10-14 minute session.
We remove the cheek retractor and gingival barrier, which conveniently comes out altogether and you will see your new dazzling white smile in the mirror.


[su_spoiler title=”After Care Notes” style=”fancy”]

First 24-48 hours are the most crucial to maintain that white smile for longer periods. its takes about that much time for th eoutermost layer of teeth to harden again and form a pelicle layer. For the following 24-48 hours After Treatment you must avoid all smoking and any food items cause easy staining.

AVOID For 24-48 hours:

Tea. Coffee. Cola, Orange, Fizzy Drinks, Carrots, Peas, Sweet Corn, Green Beans, beetroot, tomatoes, red/Green lettuce, Sprouts, Mushrooms,sauces, etc. Avoid chocolates.

You can have:
Still or Sparkling water, Tonic water. Lemonade, Skimmed milk, white food items like rice, white pasta, cauliflower, cottage cheese,potatoes, etc.

Avoid All fruits except Bananas as most fruits are acidic.

Do not use coloured mouthwash for 24-48 hours.

You may feel some sensitivity initially after whitening which is normal and usually goes off in 1-2 days[/accordion-item]


[su_spoiler title=”Maintenance And Home Care” style=”fancy”]

Making Your Perfect Smile Last

Now that you have your perfect, pearly-white smile thanks to teeth whitening, you are, no doubt, inclined to smile a lot to show off the result of your latest endeavour.  But inasmuch as it makes you happy that your teeth whitening project has finally given you the sparkling smile that you want, you should take care of it.  Tooth whitening should be seen as an investment, and it is an investment that you should look after to make it last for the years to come.

Technically, dental whitening – whether it is done through external laser whitening or internal tooth bleaching – can last you at least two years; much, much more if you give your teeth the proper teeth whitening aftercare.  But if you continue the habits that made your teeth discoloured in the first place, it would just like be throwing the money you have spent on dental whitening away.  Since you have bothered to spend the money and to exert the effort required for you to get your beautifully sparkling smile, you should definitely take care of your teeth.

There is nothing radical about doing teeth whitening aftercare.  It is just as simple as being vigilant about your daily hygienic routines.  Here are some teeth whitening aftercare tips that you should consider if you want the improved quality of your smile from your teeth whitening to last.

1.   Brush your teeth properly.  Brushing your teeth properly is the first step towards making the results of your teeth whitening project last.  You should develop the habit of brushing not just in the morning when you rise and at night before you go to bed, but also after every meal.  The food we eat can stain our teeth, especially wine and drinks that contain caffeine.  Why should you allow the staining on your teeth to build up again because of improper dental hygiene?

2.   Use whitening toothpastes.  Whitening toothpastes have bleaching agents as active ingredients that can help oxidise the stain from the teeth.  Although the concentration of these bleaching agents is low, these bleaching agents nonetheless help in breaking down the stains from your teeth before they become discoloured again and undo the results of your teeth whitening.

3.   Cut back on drinking and smoking.  Frequent consumption of alcoholic drinks and heavy smoking can reverse the effects of teeth whitening.  Many alcoholic drinks such as wine have tannins that can stain the teeth.  The same goes for the nicotine in tobacco.  If you cannot quit drinking and smoking entirely, at least try to do it in moderation or lessen the frequency.

4.   Use a straw.  If you are drinking fizzy drinks or iced tea, you should use a straw.  The caffeine in these drinks as well as the tannins in tea can stain the teeth.  Using a straw can help minimise the contact of these substances with your teeth.

5.   Use smudge-proof lipstick.  Ladies, after going through teeth whitening, you should consider switching your current lipstick for the smudge-proof kind.  Some kinds of lipstick tend to cling to the teeth, and the pigments by which lipsticks are made can contribute to the discolouration of your teeth.  Using smudge-proof lipstick not only prevents the lipstick itself from getting to your teeth but also minimises the need to retouch your makeup.

Teeth whitening is not an inexpensive venture and should thus be seen as an investment.  You should take care of your investment and make sure that your pearly smiles will last.


[su_spoiler title=”FAQs About Whitening” style=”fancy”]


Tests prove that teeth score between 5 and 12 shades whiter. This is dependent on the type of staining and the mineral content contained within your teeth so results will therefore vary between individuals. Generally speaking, we will get your teeth to as white as they were when you were a teenager or as white as they can naturally go, either way you will have shiny white teeth.


The treatment itself takes between 30 – 40 minutes, we tailor every treatment to each individual to get the best results possible. When you come in we will go through everything with you and do a consultation so it usually takes about an hour in total. That is the complete treatment and you will see the results immediately after you have finished.


There is no pain involved in having our treatment, no needles or anything so that it is quite a comfortable experience.You may even listen to music on the ipod or mobile during the procedure.


We find that about find that about 1 in 10 people will feel temporary sensitivity afterwards and this is something that would last, in a worst case scenario for 24-48 hours.


The results last depending on your lifestyle, however it would on average take about 2 years to come back to the original shade that you were before coming into us. Normally we will get your teeth back to a shade they were when you were a teenager and then you will start the natural re-staining process as you were prior to having them whitened. We have a great offer that we give a huge discount on re- treatment valid for 18 months after having them whitened, at which time it should last you another 18-24 months after that session.


No, the effect on teeth is no different to the effect from commonly ingested foods or regular dental procedures. Our professional Teeth Whitening system has been proven to have no short or long term negative effects on the enamel of teeth, on the dentin of teeth or the gums. In fact it is specially formulated to improve general oral health, while whitening.


Usually a good time to come in and get your teeth whitened would be about 1-2 weeks before the occasion.


The treatment is not designed to whiten caps, crowns or false teeth, it will however clean and restore the false teeth back to their original colour. It will remove all stains and plaque that may have built up on them and the natural teeth will be whitened as normal.  In any case we will always do a no obligation consultation to make sure that we will achieve the desired results, which quite often will differ from person to person, depending on your own personal preferences. we can tailor each treatment for each individual. If you are planning to have a crown, bridge, filling or false tooth, it is recommended that you first have your teeth whitened. we will then be able to match the shade of the false tooth to your new colour.


It is not necessary to have a scale and polish specifically prior to getting your teeth whitened, we would of course, recommend your regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and maintainance. Any plaque or stains that have built up on the teeth as well as stains that have built up deep within the teeth will all be removed during the whitening treatment anyway, again this is not a replacement for having a scale and polish as we only whiten about 16 front facing teeth that are in the natural smile. It would be necessary for you to have a scale and polish prior to having your teeth whitened if you have visible calculus (or tartar) built up on the outside of the teeth. Other then that just floss and brush on the day before coming in.[/accordion-item]


If you have any more Questions, Feel free to Contact Us.

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