Your first visit to the Dentist is your most important visit.
During your first visit to Dentessence, we will ask you to fill out a registration form to collect details about your past and present dental and medical conditions. after that we will examine your current dental status with the help of Intra-oral camera, Radio-VisioGraphy (RVG) wherever necessary. we will advise you regarding all the treatment that may be required for you.
We will explain all the options available to you regarding the choice of materials and procedures. We will also explain the consequences of no treatment and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and make an informed decision about your dental health. We provide estimates of time and money for the various procedures and help you select the most suited plan for you considering your time and budgets.
– Do not wait for a problem to occur before visiting a dentist. Most dental diseases start silently and usually they have reached a very advanced stage before they show any symptoms. So a regular visit is a must.
– Carry information about your general health
– Have proper meals before visiting the dentist. (Unless specifically advised against)
– If possible brush before going to the dentist. [you don’t want the dentist to know your lunch menu ;-)] If brushing is not possible, rinse thoroughly.
– Preferably Wear loose comfortable neutral colour clothings with foldable sleeves.
– Avoid excessive make-up. No Lipsticks.
– Do not scare your child about dental visits. Prepare your child psychologically about the comfortable experience they should look forward to.