Home Care

Treat “Your” cavities to protect your child…

Protect your child’s teeth. Get “your” dental checkup done now. If you Want your child to have a healthy smile, Get “YOUR” dental treatment as soon as possible. Getting your dental treatment done for your child’s dental health???Seems odd? Sure it does. But after your read this, it will make perfect sense to you.Dental caries

Treat “Your” cavities to protect your child… Read More »

Prevention is cheaper than Cure.

BEST DENTISTRY IS “NO DENTISTRY”- 10 Tips for Prevention of Dental Problems…

What are the best words that you would like to hear from your dentist when you go for a scheduled regular checkup? “SMILE ON… You need no treatment.” But of course you need to take good care of your teeth to be able to hear those magical words. Preventive dentistry has come a long way

BEST DENTISTRY IS “NO DENTISTRY”- 10 Tips for Prevention of Dental Problems… Read More »

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